Ziad Jarrah: How likely is it that he had doubts about the ... - Reddit
2023年8月22日 · In November 2001 his wife received a package from Jarrah. Inside was his diving license... a certificate from his first solo flight in America and a postcard showing two empty beach chairs by the sea. The back reads, "Your place with me is...I love you, I hug you, Ziad Jarrah." The text ends with, "Your husband forever Ziad Jarrah, 09/10/2001.
Flight 175 Hijackers shopping in Boston 9/10/2001 : r/911archive
2023年7月4日 · Ziad Jarrah was getting cold feet. He had a whole girlfriend and had friends in America. He allegedly left the pilots alive and was the only one who got hijacked by the passengers Jarrah didn't want to be part of the attacks, I was surprised by the delay that United 93 was hijacked, a long time waiting to hijack the plane.
Translated interview from Aysel Senguen, girlfriend of ... - Reddit
2023年9月14日 · Translated interview from Aysel Senguen, girlfriend of Hijacker pilot of flight 93 Ziad Jarrah, taken from the fbi archives. Other As an outsider who has read probably as much as is available online to read about their relationship, I believe that their relationship was at minimum emotionally abusive, and certainly physically abusive (he hit ...
What if Ziad Jarrah rebelled against Al-Qaeda and decided not
2024年6月22日 · In a different post on a separate Alternate History subreddit, I posed a challenge in which Ziad Jarrah, the hijacker pilot for United Airlines Flight 93, bails on the operation, citing numerous pieces of evidence in our timeline that this guy came really close to backing out of the operation. The Wikipedia article for Ziad Jarrah says, "He was ...
Interview with the girlfriend of Ziad Jarrah : r/911archive - Reddit
2023年9月25日 · When Ziad asked her dad if he could propose her dad chased him out of the house. In her initial police interview (done on September 13th 2001 and available to read on the FBI archives website) she says she’s moving back in with her parents and please don’t call their home phone because she doesn’t want them to know she was still in a ...
Ziad Jarrah Photos and Stories : r/911archive - Reddit
2024年3月31日 · Judging from the CVR from UA93, Jarrah was quite a coward and incapable of making own decisions. Twice he asks his fellow hijacker, thought to be Saeed al-Ghamdi, if they should simply crash the plane into the ground in order to prevent a passenger re-takeover.
[German > English] Ziad Jarrah's [4th 9/11 Hijacker] last ... - Reddit
2021年9月12日 · 26-year-old Ziad Jarrah - the 9/11 hijacker pilot of United 93 - sends a farewell letter in German to his girlfriend Aysel Sengun, with whom he once made plans to marry [20YA - Sept 10] theguardian upvotes
Translated interview with German police from Aysel Senguen
2024年2月1日 · Aysel also had an abortion after she fell pregnant and Ziad was becoming more radicalised, she told her friends she didnt want to have a baby with a religious extremist father. They were on and off for 5 years, from basically the moment he arrived in Germany, right up until he boarded flight 93.
Ziad Jarrah's Reluctance in Executing 9/11 : r/conspiracy - Reddit
2023年11月5日 · Ziad Jarrah fucked, and that's why I think he was the most normal of the bunch. He had his Maslow pyramid on point, if you want, so he didn't have that white-hot hatred for a society that only a life of involuntary celibacy can bring about in young men.
Ziad Jarrah and the plot : r/911archive - Reddit
2024年1月1日 · I was wondering if we knew just how close Ziad Jarrah was to backing out of the plot; if at all. Out of all the hijackers, he seems the most... normal, for lack of better words. He didn't seem as extremist as the rest of them, and there apparently were reports that he was thinking of backing out.