How do you use Arithmetician - GameFAQs
2007年10月9日 · The Arithmetician can use the above method to instantly cast spells from the above 4 mentioned magic classes. However, that does not mean all spells from those classes. For instance, you cannot cast Meteor in this manner. Certain spells can be calculated and certain spells cannot be. If you press the "select" button, it will give you a help ...
Arithmetician ability?? - Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of
what Arithmetician skill can do i'm not understand it DoctorDoom80 13 years ago #2 It lets you cast ANY magic spell you learned as a BLM, WHM, TIM, SMN, or MYS on all units on the board that have statistical values corresponding to the calculations you input.
Help with arithmetician - Final Fantasy Tactics - GameFAQs
With the Arithmetician, you need at least one skill from the top half of his list (lvl, exp, height, CT) and one from the lower half (mult 5, 4, 3, prime) to mix together. Likecherrycola 15 years ago #4
Arithmetician worth the hassle? - Final Fantasy Tactics: The
yes, yes, yes and triple yes! A mastered Ari is in my opinion the most powerful secondary in the game. My Ari is a generic named Chole and Chole is a B-mage primary and Ari secondary. with the right, combo, she can easily clear an entire field of enemies with one attack.
Arithmetician - Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
When using arithmetician spells, can they also target your team mates if they fall into the algorithm and do damage to them? s_dubs 15 years ago #4 Yes, only Summons and Iaido differentiate from friend or foe.
Should i put mage as arithmetician or summoner? - GameFAQs
2007年10月9日 · Well, it depends on how you like to play. A Summoner is basically a more powerful Black Mage. An Arithmetician, on the other hand, teaches you Arithmancy. Arithmancy is extremely powerful to the extent that it changes the tactics of the game...or you might say it "eliminates" the tactics in the game. However, it takes longer to level up/learn.
How to raise my Arithmetician? - Final Fantasy Tactics: The
After watching a few gameplay from my friend's FFT file, I realized how useful artihmetiks are. But, they're awfully slow and quite alot of APs to learn all it's basic magics.
Is this a fast way to level arithmetician? - GameFAQs
I'm taking off the arithmetician skill set until later. I've only just started chapter 3 and no-one is getting any JP because every battle is over in two turns. _Red___XIII_ 16 years ago #15
Arithmetician is laborious - Final Fantasy Tactics: The War
CT 5 Holy everything You probably already knew as much, but you get better returns by giving Arithmeticks to a mage class than you do by staying in the Arithmetician class since it has lower MA. It's completely broken and fun for a while, but like any amateur youtube video with a screaming chorus of "LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOR," it doesn't ...
how do you use arithmeticians? - Final Fantasy Tactics: The
O and I'd reccommend having Ramza use ummYell or whatever it is that speeds them up as well as haste on the arithmetician since they're so freakin slow. AzureHuntress 16 years ago #12 CT, Level, EXP, and Height fall into "Criteria 1".