What does it mean when you see black dots in your vision?
2020年2月7日 · Black dots may be due to floaters due to normal aging changes of the vitreous in the back of the eye, a vitreous hemorrhage, or a visual field defect (loss of part of the vision) …
bump on skin with black dot - HealthTap
I have small bumps on my arm with a black dot in the middle then it turns into like a dry spot kinda flaky and leaves a light spot what is l?? and A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked:
i have a black dot in my eye. is this serious? - HealthTap
2018年6月24日 · Recently noticed a very small oval shaped black dot near my pupil on iris. Brown eyes. What could this be? My right eye seems to have a piece of fuzz on the side and a small …
pimple with black dot in middle - HealthTap
I have small hard pimple like bumps and a bump with a small black dot like indent hole in the center all appeared after shaving but haven't went away ? 2 doctors weighed in across 2 …
small black dot on foot - HealthTap
A small black dot on the bottom of my foot - looks like dried blood. poked thru the top skin layer and it seems to flake off. any reason to see a dr.? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member …
Small black dot on bottom of big toe - HealthTap
A small black dot on the bottom of my foot - looks like dried blood. poked thru the top skin layer and it seems to flake off. any reason to see a dr.? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member …
black dot under skin on thumb - HealthTap
A small, mysterious black dot on the skin of a colleg ive got a black dot quite a bit smaller than that that has just appeared on the skin of my thumb on the finger. it isnt due to an injury. it is …
black dot on iris of eye - HealthTap
recently noticed a very small oval shaped black dot near my pupil on iris. brown eyes. what could this be?: Nevus, cyst: If the lesion is truly on the iris, inside the eye, it co
black dots under skin on fingers - HealthTap
Ive got a black dot quite a bit smaller than that that has just appeared on the skin of my thumb on the finger. it isnt due to an injury. it is symmetrical. is it ok? A doctor has provided 1 answer A …
small black dot in eye - HealthTap
recently noticed a very small oval shaped black dot near my pupil on iris. brown eyes. what could this be?: Nevus, cyst: If the lesion is truly on the iris, inside the eye, it co