Which is anode and which is cathode? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年2月15日 · Designation of anode and cathode. So labeling the anode and the cathode relies on an analogy between a voltaic cell and a photovoltaic cell as a source of electrical work. It makes sense to use the direction of electron flow in the external circuit to define anode and cathode (electrons flow from anode to cathode in the external circuit).
Positive or Negative Anode/Cathode in Electrolytic/Galvanic Cell
2017年1月22日 · In a galvanic (voltaic) cell, the anode is considered negative and the cathode is considered positive. This seems reasonable as the anode is the source of electrons and cathode is where the electrons flow. However, in an electrolytic cell, the anode is taken to be positive while the cathode is now negative.
How are cathode rays produced? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2014年10月28日 · Cathode rays are just a beam of electron observed in vaccum tube. when the dicharge tube or evacuated glass tube is facilitated with 2 electrode and with high voltage, due to emmission of electron from and travelling in perpendicular to cathode,glass opposite of negative electrode(ie cathode) is observed to glow.
Why do positive ions go to the cathode? - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2017年7月4日 · The cathode is a positive electrode in a galvanic cell. There are different notations for the sign (±) of the cathode used in the literature, which are determined, in particular, by the nature of the process. A very broad definition of a cathode is that it is the electrode of some device connected to the negative pole of the current source.
Half cells: difference between E (cell) = E (cathode}-E (anode) & E ...
The cathode is actually the reduction step, and the anode is the oxidation step. A useful mnemonic I learned from my chemistry professor is a red cat and an ox. Interestingly, cathodes in electrochemical cells are red and are positive. So I have found many uses for this along the way.
Direction of flow of current in electrolytic cell
2017年9月13日 · So in both cases electrons flow from the anode to the cathode. (This analysis is complicated by something I learnt in school as the technical current flow definition. According to Bavarian textbooks, technicians defined current as flowing from plus to minus which is exactly the opposite of the flow of electrons.
electrochemistry - Cathode + Anode - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2014年5月15日 · During discharge, the ions flow from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte and separator; charge reverses the direction and the ions flow from the cathode to the anode. On discharge, the anode undergoes oxidation, or loss of electrons, and the cathode sees a reduction, or a gain of electrons. Charge reverses the movement.
electrons - How did J. J. Thomson prove that the cathode rays …
2018年12月11日 · Cathode "rays" had been known for some time before Thomson. They were first observed as experiments in gas discharge tubes started to exploit better and better vacuums (the early experiments observed the varying forms of discharge in low pressure gases; cathode rays only become significant when there is very little gas left in the tubes).
Why is the cathode reaction required in a fuel cell?
2015年8月10日 · So it's the cathode that's positively charged: electrons flow out of the anode, round the circuit back to the cathode . For current to flow it's essential for a charged species (in this case H+) to pass through the membrane, but really it's the sum of all reaction steps that provide the energy that drives the current. $\endgroup$
Anode and cathode in electrolysis - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2020年9月22日 · As a cathode is usable near any conductor, which does not dissolve in electrolyte. Anodic material must withstand aggressive anodic oxidative processes without dissolving. Aside of platinum, glassy carbon is often used. Questionable can be stainless steel. Electrodes should not be vulnerable to desintegration by evolving gases.