Getter - Wikipedia
(center) A vacuum tube with a flashed getter coating on the inner surface of the top of the tube. (left) The inside of a similar tube, showing the reservoir that holds the material that is evaporated to create the getter coating. During manufacture, after the tube is evacuated and sealed, an induction heater evaporates the material, which condenses on the glass.
晶圆减薄与Gettering - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2024年1月4日 · 在 半导体器件制造 中,由金属杂质引起的污染对器件可靠性有很大影响。 Cu具有高 扩散系数,在Si衬底存储器件的侧壁和背面需要严格控制,尤其是在晶圆变得更薄的情况下。 TSMC在质量管控相关文件中有相关lesson learned介绍,在N16 及以下产品晶圆减薄中,需要请OSAT注意polish工艺,并推荐使用低Cu杂质含量的封装材料(必须<1ppm,越低越好,<0.5ppm),molding compound、热界面材料、 underfill 等。 晶圆减薄工艺可以参考: …
半导体人必须知道的259个专业名词解释! - 网易
2019年7月9日 · "Gettering"--系于半导休制程中,由于可能受到晶格缺陷"(CrystalDefect)或金属类杂质污染等的影响,造成组件接口之间可能有漏电流(JunctionLeakage)存在,而影响组件特性;如何将这些晶格缺陷、金属杂质摒除解决的种种技术上做法,就叫做"Gettering"(吸附),吸附一般又可 …
Gettering - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Gettering refers to the process of removing impurities from a liquid metal by converting them into stable compounds that are insoluble. This is achieved by adding insoluble materials, called getters, to the liquid metal, allowing them to collect the impurities and then removing them.
吸除 - 百度百科
gettering 定 义 使晶片中有害杂质固定在远离器件有源区,以获得表面洁净区的工艺。 应用学科 材料科学技术(一级学科),半导体材料(二级学科),元素半导体材料(三级学科)
Gettering and it’s Importance to Wafer Manufacturing
2020年3月4日 · Gettering in wafer manufacturing is a powerful agent used in the removal of containments and another form of defects in wafer and conveys is it into the bulk, moves it away from the surface of the wafer, and have it trapped at the top.
Gettering is defined as the process of removing device-degrading impurities from the active circuit regions of the wafer. Gettering, which can be performed during crystal growth or in subsequent wafer fabrication steps, is an important ingredient for enhancing the yield of VLSI manufacturing.
Gettering in silicon photovoltaics: A review - ScienceDirect
2022年1月1日 · This article presents an up-to-date review of the gettering techniques and processes in silicon solar cells, providing a complete picture of the possible gettering sinks and routes in various cell architectures.
Gettering in silicon photovoltaics: A review - ScienceDirect
2022年1月1日 · Gettering, the process of removing or relocating impurities to a region in the device where they have a less harmful impact on the overall device performance, is therefore a crucial part of the silicon PV technology. By reducing metal impurities in the silicon wafer bulk, gettering improves the overall cell efficiency.
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