Calcific Band Keratopathy - University of Iowa
2015年6月2日 · Calcific band keratopathy is a corneal degeneration that is characterized by subepithelial deposition of calcium, primarily in the form of hydroxyapatite, in the epithelial basement membrane, Bowman's layer, and the anterior stroma (1, 2).
Exposure Keratopathy in the Critically Ill: - University of Iowa
2014年7月1日 · Exposure keratopathy is dryness of the cornea caused by incomplete or inadequate eyelid closure, resulting in evaporative tear loss and tear film insufficiency. Mild cases are usually benign and easily treated, but if severe, undiagnosed, and/or under-treated, drastic consequences can result.
Atlas Entry - Band keratopathy - University of Iowa
Calcific band keratopathy (BK) results from calcium hydroxyapetite deposition in the superficial cornea, mainly Bowman layer. It can be caused by chronic ocular inflammation, hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, chronic exposure to mercurial vapors or preservatives, silicone oil, primary hereditary transmission.
Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy: - University of Iowa
2005年11月17日 · Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy (PBK) is a post-operative condition that can occur as a complication of cataract extraction surgery and intraocular lens placement. Both intraoperative insult to the endothelium and long-term cell damage as a result of the lens implant can lead to PBK.
Atlas Entry - Cornea verticillata - University of Iowa
Cornea verticillata, also known as vortex keratopathy, describes a pattern of whorl- shaped opacities within the basal corneal epithelium. They are most commonly located in the inferior paracentral region, are non-elevated, and can range from white to brown in color. These changes are usually not visually significant.
Atlas Entry - Band keratopathy - University of Iowa
2024年4月16日 · This photo shows a more advanced stage of bandshaped keratopathy with incipient calcium deposits. Bandshaped keratopathy most frequently occurs in eyes with longstanding intraocular inflammation. The patient is from the Himalayan hill country and demonstrates an epicanthal fold characteristic of India's Mongoloid population.
Infectious Crystalline Keratopathy (ICK) - University of Iowa
2007年1月21日 · The most common risk factors for infectious crystalline keratopathy include history of penetrating keratoplasy (usually many months after transplant), corticosteroid use, and contact lens wear. It is likely that gram-positive cocci from the periocular skin or conjunctiva gain access to the stroma by tracking along suture lines or through micro ...
Thygeson's Superficial Punctate Keratitis - University of Iowa
2003年4月12日 · Treatment. Treatment is only indicated if the patient suffers with significant decreased vision and/or light sensitivity or pain to be worth the risks of treatment: development of glaucoma (especially if there is a family history of glaucoma) or cataract (higher doses of steroids for long periods) or the possibility of prolonging the TSPK itself.
EyeRounds.org: corneal verticillata - Amiodarone - University of Iowa
2005年2月21日 · There are dozens of medications, materials, and disease biproducts that can result in deposits in the cornea. These deposits occur in various levels of the cornea. Corneal verticillata, also called vortex keratopathy, are one type of corneal deposits.
Atlas Entry - Lipid keratopathy - University of Iowa
Lipid keratopathy Lipid keratopathy Category(ies): Cornea. Lipid keratopathy is characterized by the stromal deposition of yellow or cream-colored lipids in areas of corneal neovascularization, often secondary to herpes simplex virus, varicella zoster virus, or trachoma.