This viewer contains a set of property maps of every parcel within the County of Nassau. The public information contained herein is furnished as a public service by Nassau County for use as a research tool.
Welcome to Nassau County Open Payroll. The Comptroller's Office publishes financial information such as Payroll online so that members of the public can view the County's finances at their convenience. The information on Nassau County Open Payroll is updated annually.
Nassau A-Z The filing period for NYS Real Property Tax (RPT) renewals has closed. Under New York State Real Property Tax Law Section 302, the taxable status date is January 2, which is the final date to file renewal applications.
Please call or visit in person at the Nassau County Department of Health office during regular business hours to receive an application, Monday through Friday 9:00 am-4:30pm. Replacement or Duplicate certificates could incur a $15 fee.
Nassau A‑Z; SAY NO TO GOV. HOCHUL'S CAP-AND-INVEST PROPOSAL THAT WILL RAISE ENERGY COSTS FOR ALL NEW YORKERS. As if the cost of congestion pricing wasn't enough of a burden for drivers to bear entering Manhattan, a new proposal being advanced by Governor Hochul will cost New Yorkers more to fuel their cars and heat their homes ...
Welcome to the login portal for Nassau County Peoplesoft. Please the click button below to login. This button will redirect you to the Office 365 login, where you will be asked to login using your agency credentials.