Laws uniform. SEC. 6. All laws of a general nature shall have a uniform operation; the general assembly shall not grant to any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, …
Act) except that for each lunch served in school food authorities in which 60 percent or more of the lunches served in the school lunch program during the second preceding school year were …
7. School. "School" means any public or private elementary or secondary school in the State.[1983, c. 661, §8 (new).] 8. Superintendent. "Superintendent" means the superintendent …
records for the pupil to the school district to which the pupil transfers. Mont. Code Anno., § 20-5-404 (2007) 20-5-404. Conditional attendance. The governing authority of a school other than a …
3 The policy of the Elk Grove Unified School District states: “Each elementary school class [shall] recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag once each day.” ELK GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL …
doun County School Board. Judith Williams Jagdmann, Attorney General of Virginia, William E. Thro, State Solicitor General, A. Cameron O’Brion, Associate Solicitor General, Richmond, …
Standardized testing—that is, testing with uniform questions, admin-istration, and scoring—has a long history in the United States. Such tests date back at least to 1840, and their use in …
before October 15 of the current school year for the health examination or immunization as required, a school district must give notice of the requirements of this Section 60 days prior to …
1 townsend Professor, yale law school, new haven, connecticut, 06511. 2 surbeck Professor, yale law school, new haven, connecticut, 06511. Acknowledgment: the authors would like to thank …
For three decades running, about 85% of U.S. high school seniors have reported that marijuana is “easy to get,” despite a near-tripling of marijuana arrests since 1991. Since Britain ended most …