Secreting Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
2017年1月7日 · hide, conceal, screen, secrete, bury mean to withhold or withdraw from sight. hide may or may not suggest intent. conceal usually does imply intent and often specifically implies a refusal to divulge. screen implies an interposing of something that prevents discovery. secrete suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others.
SECRETING | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
SECRETING meaning: 1. present participle of secrete 2. (of animals or plants or their cells) to produce and release a…. Learn more.
Secreting - definition of secreting by The Free Dictionary
To generate and release (a substance) from a cell or a gland: secrete hormones. [Back-formation from secretion.] 1. To conceal in a hiding place; cache: "He secreted valuables away in cupboards and beneath the mattress" (Michael Crummey). See Synonyms at hide 1. 2. To steal secretly; filch. [Probably alteration of obsolete secret, from secret.]
SECRETING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
SECRETING definition: 1. present participle of secrete 2. (of animals or plants or their cells) to produce and release a…. Learn more.
Secretion vs. Excretion – What’s the Difference?
In reality, both secretion and excretion refer to substances created through normal body functions. Both are necessary for survival, and healthy bodies do both of them continuously or at regular intervals.
SECRETE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
SECRETE definition: 1. (of animals or plants or their cells) to produce and release a liquid: 2. to put something in a…. Learn more.
SECRETING Synonyms: 26 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for SECRETING: concealing, burying, hiding, stashing, ensconcing, hoarding, caching, interring; Antonyms of SECRETING: displaying, exhibiting, exposing, revealing, uncovering, showing, baring, unmasking
Secrete - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Secrete is all about secrets. It means both "to hide" and "to release." When you squeeze a lemon, it secretes juice. When you stuff your money in a mattress, you secrete it there. It's easy to remember that secrete's all about secrets when you see the word secret inside secrete. Imagine the first person who squeezed a lemon and secreted the juice.
Secretion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of SECRETION is the process of segregating, elaborating, and releasing some material either functionally specialized (such as saliva) or isolated for excretion (such as urine). How to use secretion in a sentence.
Secreting Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Secreting Sentence Examples Some hydathodes are active glands, secreting the water they expel from the leaf. The protoplasm appears to be able also to bring about thc change without …