Eunews - News sull'Europa e l'Unione Europea da Bruxelles
2025年1月31日 · Quotidiano sull'Unione Europea. Notizie e analisi sull'Europa, il Parlamento europeo, il Consiglio e la Commissione Europea. Da Bruxelles, Strasburgo e Roma
Eunews - News on Europe and the European Union from Brussels
Daily newspaper on the European Union. News and analysis on Europe, the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission. From Brussels, Strasbourg and Rome
L'Ue dura contro le sanzioni di Trump a L'Aia. Ma la Corte è sotto ...
23 小时之前 · Bruxelles – Le istituzioni di giustizia multilaterale sono sotto attacco. Da più fronti, ma la spallata più forte arriva da Washington, dove Donald Trump ha firmato un ordine esecutivo che autorizza sanzioni economiche aggressive contro la Corte penale internazionale (Cpi), accusata di “azioni illegittime e senza fondamento”. L’Unione europea fa scudo intorno al …
Dazi, clima, diritto internazionale: Trump detta l’agenda del ...
23 小时之前 · Bruxelles – Commercio, innovazione e competitività, salute. Praticamente Donald Trump in tutte le sue declinazioni più una, l’ultima: l’attacco del presidente degli Stati Uniti alla Corte penale internazionale. L’inquilino della Casa Bianca irrompe nei lavori di un Parlamento europeo che finisce col disegnare la propria agenda attorno a quella di Trump, oggetto di tre …
italy - Eunews
Economy Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis disappointed by the failure to restrict Moscow's liquefied natural gas. "National contexts have had an impact."
General News Archivi - Eunews
Eunews is a registered newspaper - Press Register of the Court of Turin n° 27. Copyright © 2023 - WITHUB S.p.a., Via Rubens 19 - 20148 Milan VAT number: 10067080969 ...
Public accounts: Italy gets EU green light on budget law and debt ...
2024年11月26日 · Public accounts: Italy gets EU green light on budget law and debt reduction plan For the EU executive, everything is "in line" with the recommendations and rules of the new stability pact.
New European Parliament commissions cause discontent in Italy's …
2024年12月18日 · Brussels – The European Parliament created four new committees (two permanent and two special) to deal with defense, health, high rents, and foreign interference. However, changes in the organization of the Chamber, especially at the intergroup level, have caused some rifts among the parties of the Italian center-left — what was supposed to be a …
EU funds at risk of being used twice for same project, Italy an …
2024年10月21日 · Brussels – Cohesion and the NextGenerationEU Recovery Mechanism with its Recovery Fund: due to “insufficient” control mechanisms and the “numerous levels of governance” involved that make coordination and oversight “very difficult,” there is a risk of funding the same project twice with different EU funds.
Brussels delays addressing press attacks in Italy. Uncertainty
2024年6月17日 · Brussels – It has now been a month since the National Federation of the Italian Press and several international journalists’ unions requested the European Commission to launch an investigation into attacks on the press by Giorgia Meloni‘s government. The date on the calendar for an initial assessment was July 3, the day scheduled for the possible publication of …