sUAS News
Dufour Aerospace achieves drone milestone; First-ever flight with series hybrid-electric engine from vertical takeoff to full-forward flight and back
1 1 Introduction This Concept of Operations (ConOps) document describes the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) by any operator that is
1 Revisions Date Name Notes 14.10.2013 Alexander Radi Initial version 0.1 11.11.2013 Alexander Radi Appendix B added (cutting injuries discussion) 11.11.2013 Alexander Radi Appendix C added (7kg limit justification) 19.12.2013 Alexander Radi Abstract rewritten as executive summary 20.12.2013 Alexander Radi Text streamlined, bibliography added
Persistent Ground Surveillance Systems (PGSS) at Yuma
For the past two decades, a large aerostat balloon maintained by the U.S. Air Force has rivaled Castle Dome as a fixed point of reference over the southern portion of YPG's range. Providing an important link in the “radar fence” along the international border that detects drug-smuggling airplanes, the same principle has been applied to…
GRIFF Aviation launches game-changing GRIFF 300 drone
The GRIFF 300 is unique in the UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) market, combining unique aviation authority certification, unrivaled lifting capacity (ten times that of other systems on the market) and a long flight time. It's fully customizable payload options make it perfect for a host of professional applications, from Law Enforcement to Search And Rescue…
FAA releases full Part 107 Small UAS Rule – sUAS News
The rule comes into effect in 60 days time…. August 2016. WASHINGTON – Today, the Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration has finalized the first operational rules (PDF) for routine commercial use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS or “drones”), opening pathways towards fully integrating UAS into the nation’s airspace.
US Army calls for units to discontinue use of DJI equipment
According to a U.S. Army memo obtained by sUAS News, the U.S. Army Research Lab and U.S. Navy have concluded that there are operational risks associated with DJI equipment, a move that was run up the flag pole last month but kept under wraps.. Speaking to sUAS News via e-mail, DJI’s Public Relations Manager, Michael Perry said:
HERA – Carry a Sparrow – Fly an Eagle - sUAS News
Real-time Robotics (RtR) has released Hera, the most advanced multi-copter ever made. Before Hera, the following was deemed impossible: A drone smaller than DJI M300 but can carry a 33-lb payloadThat drone can mount four gimbaled payloads simultaneouslyThat drone can deliver 360-degree FOV for every payload bayThat drone can fly for approximately 60 minutesThat drone…
ATAK-CIV (Android Team Awareness Kit – Civil Use) - sUAS News
The Tactical Assault Kit is DoD nomenclature for the Team Awareness Kit (TAK) application: a mission planning, geospatial, Full Motion Video (FMV), and system administrator tool that reduces the operational footprint from a tactical laptop, to a commercial mobile device. The geospatial engine and communications component support Department of Defense (DoD) and commercial sector standards.…
Logging of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Pilot Time – sUAS News
1. Purpose of This Notice. This notice provides guidance and policy for aviation safety inspectors (ASI) who conduct pilot certification duties. This notice clarifies issues that have been raised by Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilots requesting credit for flight time accrued while operating UAS. 2. Audience. The primary audience for this notice is Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration ...