你是个soft touch吗? - 中国日报网英语点津
2012年4月25日 · 今天我们要讲的第三个习惯用语是:soft touch。Touch这个词最普遍的意思是用身体的某个部分,一般是用手指去触摸某样东西,看看它的感觉是什么样的。但是touch和soft合在一起作为一个习惯用语,它的意思就不同了。
SOFT TOUCH | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
SOFT TOUCH definition: 1. someone who you can easily persuade to do what you want 2. someone who you can easily persuade…. Learn more.
软触感的背后:你知道的“soft touch”到底是什么吗?
2024年9月16日 · 首先,我们来解析“soft touch”的字面意思。 它直译为“软的触感”,给人一种温和、柔软的感觉。 然而,在生活中,这个词还有另一层含义,常用来形容一个人容易受影响或容易被利用。
SOFT TOUCH中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
Like it or not, we are seen as a soft touch, allowing people easy access and entry.
SOFT TOUCH | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
SOFT TOUCH meaning: 1. someone who you can easily persuade to do what you want 2. someone who you can easily persuade…. Learn more.
Soft touch Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of SOFT TOUCH is a person who is easily imposed on or taken advantage of. How to use soft touch in a sentence.
Soft touch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
COMMON If someone is a soft touch or an easy touch, it is easy to make them do what you want or give you what you want. He did not get where he is today by being either a soft touch or a poor judge of his businesses. Pamela was an easy touch when she needed some cash.
Understanding "soft touch" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage ...
Regardless of its origins, the idiom “soft touch” has become a popular way to describe people who are vulnerable or easily influenced. It can be used both positively and negatively depending on the context, with some people using it as a compliment to describe someone who is kind-hearted and generous while others use it as an insult to ...
soft touch - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2024年6月3日 · soft touch (plural soft touches) A person or group that is sympathetic, accommodating, easily overcome, or easily persuaded, especially one that loans or readily gives money to another.
Be a soft touch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
be a soft touch To be easy to control or manipulate; to bend to the desires or demands of others. My poor dad was a real soft touch in his career, always jumping through hoops to do anything his boss told him to.