Is "software" singular or plural? Can "softwares" be used instead?
2014年11月29日 · Saying "softwares" fairly clearly identifies the speaker as someone for whom English is not their first language. However, one should avoid phrases such as "but various …
Does "software" have a plural form? | WordReference Forums
2005年5月11日 · Computer dealers more particularly, the unauthorised hardware suppliers who assemble components and sell comptuers to the users with software already installed. …
software o softwares? - WordReference Forums
2008年11月5日 · Al plurale è corretto dire 'softwares' oppure 'software' o si usano delle espressioni tipo 'a package of software' or ....something else? Thanks a lot in advantage
grammatical number - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2020年12月4日 · 2025, and the plural form softwares, indicating countification of the noun for individual examples of the form, is at least acknowledged by Wikipedia, where it admittedly is …
uncountable nouns - Do native speakers of major English varieties ...
2018年7月21日 · 'Software' is non-countable (like 'milk'). As a native American English-speaker who grew up with software (and a vested interest in it) and is nearing age 40, it seems like …
Is "a software" really never correct? [duplicate]
However, I've heard software developers (for whom English is a second language) incorrectly use "a software" and "softwares". – Hugo Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 9:31
determiners - Is "software" plural or singular? - English Language ...
2014年12月18日 · The background: the lexeme SOFTWARE is a M (often called “mass”, or sometimes “uncountable”, “non-countable”, or “noun-count”) noun; in most uses — note the …
software vs a software | WordReference Forums
2016年8月15日 · Hello members. 1- there is new educational software available.:tick: 2- there is a new educational software available.:confused: I know "software" is an uncountable noun and …
Word for software which has been killed or is no longer supported
2013年12月12日 · For a general-use single-word verb to mirror released, I suggest discontinued.That is, releases, support, etc. (whatever it is that you mean) are no longer …
software en plural - WordReference Forums
2013年3月24日 · Buen dia a todos y de antemano gracias por su tiempo. Tengo la duda del plural de software, porque al escribir en mi documento Word: "los software", me...