meaning - swag (slang) -- what does this word really mean?
2015年1月28日 · The swag appears to be a clipped form of swagger, which the article accuses President Obama of doing. In the speech, the ‘swag’ refers to America standing strong, unafraid of Russia, and determined to enforce sanctions. The bluster, according to the author, is Obama's words whose tone was possibly concealing a threat to Putin.
Mathematica Top User Swag - Mathematica Meta Stack Exchange
(for anyone else who wants this swag, but isn't on page 1 or page 2 of the all time top users -- unfortunately we aren't able to gift this swag to everybody, but it will be available for sponsored events as needed)
Swag is coming back! (indefinitely paused) - Meta Stack Exchange
2020年12月18日 · I was able, however, to reorder most swag items and inventory them individually but having to reorder these items cut into our overall budget. In order to stick with our timeline and our desire to send you swag, we’ve opted to remove only the stickers from the packages to reduce production times and save enough to include even more people in ...
2019: do six-figure reputation users on non-SO sites still get swag?
2019年6月4日 · Swag processing was so time consuming for us that swag requests often sat around in queue after filling out the form for upwards of 6 months before we got around to processing them. Nobody wants to do this manually, so the best option was to get someone to develop an automated way.
How to earn Stack Exchange swag or goodies?
2015年11月27日 · In the past, swag has been sent to top users of new beta sites as those sites graduate. If you look through the per-site metas of Travel, The Workplace, and Programmers you will find posts about it (probably a number of other sites too, but those are sites where I remember seeing the posts.)
Request for giveaway swag and information for the B-Sides …
I am heading to the B-Sides London security conference on April 25 2012, and the 44Con later on in the year, and as these two conferences attract a good range of individuals who should be members here (everything from penetration testers, technical security architects and implementers through to senior governance and risk managers) I thought I ...
English Stack Exchange swag for top users
(for anyone else who wants this swag, but isn't on page 1 or page 2 of the all time top users -- the limited edition t-shirts and stickers will be available for purchase from the store soon as well) discussion
Math Stack Exchange Top User Swag
(for anyone else who wants this swag, but isn't on page 1 or page 2 of the all time top users -- the ...
SwagOverflow - Clothing - Area 51 Discussions
This idea came to my mind, because I always called StackOverflow SwagOverflow for myself, because I like the word swag (while I actually don't see myself as someone with swag and I despise guys wearing shirts that say swag, skinny jeans and a Chicago bulls cap - but that's all a matter of perspective).
Raspberry Pi — Top User Swag! - Raspberry Pi Meta Stack Exchange
You'll have two weeks to do it, after which I'll close the form and take care of sending all of the swag your way! It should take from 6 to 8 weeks for the package to be delivered to you! If you're not on the list, don't worry too much about it — we've got some extra swag stored we can send to you for events and such!