  1. Copilot 答案
    器官移植是将某一个体的器官用手术的方法,整体或部分地移植到其自体体内或另一个体的某一部位的治疗手段。供体或供者,是在移植手术中,提供器官的个体;供体可以是自体,也可以是异体。受体或受者,就是在移植手术中,接受移植物的个体。 器官移植的目的是用来自供体的完好、健全的器官替代损坏的或功能丧失的器官。提供器供体可以是在世的人,也可以是刚刚去世的人。在世的人提供的器官称为活体器官,去世的人的器官称为死者器官。不过若供体器官已受到感染或衰竭便不能移植。

    Organ transplantation is a medical procedure in which an organ is removed from one body and placed in the body of a recipient, to replace a damaged or missing organ. The donor and recipient may be at the same locatio… 展开

    Types of transplant

    Autografts are the transplant of tissue to the same person. Sometimes this is done with surplus tissue, tissue that can regenerate, or tissues more desperately needed elsewhere (examples include skin grafts, vein extraction for … 展开

    Organs and tissues transplanted

    • Eyeball (First successful transplantation of a non-functional eye was performed in 2024)
    Heart (deceased-donor only; porcine xenograft attempted)
    Lung (deceased-donor and living … 展开

    Indications for transplantation

    • Kidney transplantation is becoming increasingly common and is the preferred treatment for end-stage renal failure.
    • Liver transplantation is the only curative therapy for end-stage liver disease, and the liver is the second mos… 展开