word choice - Which is correct: "in twos" or "by twos"? - English ...
2017年6月30日 · in twos. in groups of two. Share. Improve this answer. Follow edited Jun 15, 2020 at 7:40. Community Bot ...
grammaticality - If I wanted to say, "There are three twos in the ...
2014年12月26日 · OED does use the spelling twos: A.2.d. two and two, two by two, formerly also by two and two: in groups or sets of two; two at a time; by twos. BUT you're not talking about the word two. You're talking about homophones of the word two — to, too and two. You can't say "There are three twos", because there aren't.
Two two's makes four - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2017年10月9日 · 3) Two twos make four. [informal speech, not arithmetic, cards, for example] Correction: Two twos make four. [plural nouns take a plural verb] The plural of two is twos, just like threes and fours, etc. "I have two twos, an ace and two kings." [poker, five cards per hand] "There are only three fours in this deck. One is missing."
What are "the twos"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2018年5月18日 · I am a British English native speaker, and I've heard a few references in American media to broadcasts of "x (typically traffic) on the 2s". Google does not reveal any useful information on exactly...
The origin of "two is company, three is a crowd"
2016年4月16日 · The common saying two is company, three's a crowd is often associated with a romantic context: . Prov. A way of asking a third person to leave because you want to be alone with someone.
Apostrophe difference (Ones' and Two's Complement)
Twos' complement = complement of a number of twos (plural) One's complement = complement of a single 1; Ones' complement = complement of a number of ones (plural) The Wikipedia articles (Ones' complement, Two's complement) describe two's complement and ones' complement as two different mathematical operations. Two's complement is related to a ...
Meaning of "twos and ones and ones and twos" - English …
2022年7月19日 · The exact sequence twos and ones and ones and twos doesn't even occur once in all the millions of books indexed in Google Books. And it only gets 3 hits on the entire Internet (Google obviously hasn't yet indexed this new ELU question itself!
possessives - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2019年12月18日 · Donald Knuth, that doyen of computer science, says in Art of Computer Programming, Vol 2.. Detail-oriented readers and copy-editors should notice the position of the apostrophe in terms like "two's complement" and "ones' complement": a two's complement number is complemented with respect to a single power of 2, whereas a ones' complement …
Word for lights on police cars, etc - English Language & Usage …
2017年7月2日 · Blues and twos create an interesting atmosphere at night. Although British, and arguably informal, blues and twos refers to the lights and sirens together. blues and twos NOUN. British informal 1 The flashing lights and siren used on a police car or other emergency vehicle when responding to an incident. Also later "on (also under) blues and twos".
phrase requests - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
I know “by ones and twos” is applied to the case more than “by one and one.” When I consulted New Japanese English Dictionary published by Japanese publisher (Kenkyusha Publishing), I found the translation – ‘in threes and fives.’ I suspect if this is a literal translation of 3-3-5-5, and not standard English phrase.