Adoption - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2019年4月2日 · Adoption is a legal process that permanently transfers parental responsibility from a child's birth parents to their adoptive parents. After reunification, it is the next most secure permanency option for children in foster care.
Foster Care - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
There are four ways children can leave foster care for permanent homes: Reunification with birth parents or primary caregivers, adoption, guardianship, and placement with relatives. Among children exiting foster care each year, nearly half — about 100,000 kids in 2021 — are reunited with a parent or primary caretaker.
Frequently Asked Questions About Foster Care - The Annie E.
2024年12月13日 · adoption What Is the Difference Between Adoption and Foster Care? A common misconception is that foster care and adoption are the same, but this is incorrect.
Adoptions From Foster Care - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2021年11月18日 · Children waiting for adoption; by amount of time waiting; by age group; by race and ethnicity; Children exiting foster care to adoptions and other reasons; Children in the child welfare system who have been adopted; by age group; by pre-adoptive relationship with adoptive parents; by race and ethnicity
The Effects of Training for Adoption Competency on Clinical …
2020年11月9日 · This document introduces a study devoted to examining the effectiveness and quality of an adoption-specific training model called Training for Adoption Competency (TAC). The research assesses both the experiences and outcomes of adoptive families who were receiving clinical services in community-based outpatient settings.
Promising Practices in Adoption-Competent Mental Health Services
In 2000, adopted children were, on average, 6.9 years old and had been in foster care for over 3 years by the time their adoption was finalized. Special Kids 88% of kids adopted in 2000 qualified for a special needs subsidy based on their age, minority status, membership in a sibling group, or medical, psychiatric or emotional health issue(s).
Child Welfare and Foster Care Statistics - The Annie E. Casey …
2022年5月16日 · Our nation’s child welfare system strives to protect children from maltreatment, support families in crisis, keep children safely with their parents when possible, provide temporary out-of-home care for children when needed and ultimately ensure that children have safe, permanent homes with their families, relatives, adoptive par ...
Youth in Transition (Aging Out) - The Annie E. Casey Foundation
All A Closer Look at Generation Work Advancing Two-Generation Approaches AdvoCasey ARC Reflections Training Program Building Family Economic Success Fact Sheets Casebook as Game Changer Casey Connects Changing the Odds Children in Immigrant Families Fact Sheet Series Closing the Achievement Gap Series Community Matters Webinar Series Detention …
Foster Care Race Statistics | The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2020年4月13日 · The share of children who are Black and in foster care is the lowest it has been in two decades. Even so, Black children are still overrepresented among youth in foster care relative to the general child population.
What Is Foster Care — the Annie E. Casey Foundation
2014年2月6日 · Learn about the foster care system — what it is, how it works and how it can be improved — with resources and data from the Annie E. Casey Foundation.