D&D 5E Random Weapon Table - EN World
2017年6月25日 · Martial Ranged Weapons 906-907 Blowgun 908-914 Crossbow hand 915-955 Crossbow heavy 956-996 Longbow 997-1000 Net I extracted the 3.5 SRD probabilities into a spreadsheet, counted only the weapons with direct 5e counterparts, took into account the probabilities for common and uncommon weapons, and rounded/summed up into a single …
D&D (2024) New One D&D Weapons Table Shows 'Mastery' Traits …
2023年4月5日 · The weapons table from the upcoming Unearthed Arcana playtest for One D&D has made its way onto the internet via Indestructoboy on Twitter, and reveals some new mechanics. The mastery traits include Nick, Slow, Puncture, Flex, Cleave, Topple, Graze, and Push. These traits are accessible by the warrior classes.
D&D (2024) PHB 2024 Armor and Weapon Table - EN World
2024年8月12日 · The armor table looked the same to me. Reply. Reactions: g00se99994. ... Weapons will now have Masteries ...
D&D (2024) 5.5 Weapons Table (Create Your Own Weapon) - EN …
2022年9月16日 · In the original post, all weapons use the same standard, and are equally good options depending on fighting style. This post, uses the same weapons but organizes them between simple weapons and martial weapons, strictly depending on their damage dice. The simple weapon is any weapon that deals 1d6 or smaller.
D&D 5E Random Table of Weapons? Random Table of Armor?
2015年1月4日 · In other cases, a weapon might specify that it is a sword, axe, any melee or any ranged. Specific charts follow for axes, swords, and ranged weapons; if it is “any melee”, roll on the Random Weapon (Any) charts and simply re-roll ranged weapons. RANDOM WEAPON (Any) First, determine which of the following charts to roll upon (50% chance of ...
D&D 5E New weapons damage table. Hopefully little more …
2016年11月11日 · Little about weapons traits: One handed melee weapons: versatile is "free", but can only be on non-light, non-finesse weapons and it fits weapons flavor. Thrown 20/60 is "free" if it fits weapons flavor. light reduces damage by one die, finesse reduces damage by one die, reach 10ft reduces damage by one die, heavy increases die by one step,
D&D 5E Random Magic Weapon Table - EN World
2015年4月9日 · For those who like random magic items here is a table to generate a random magic weapon when you get the "Magic Weapon +1/+2/+3" result. I gave more weight to martial, popular, and good weapons. Random Magic Weapon Table: 01-05 - Obscure Weapon (see table) Simple Weapons: 06-10 - Dagger 11-12 - Handaxe 13-14 - Javelin 15-16 - Mace 17-23 ...
D&D 5E Weapons not on the weapons table: rough equivalents
2016年9月23日 · But there are quite a few weapons that are close, but don't quite fit right. Sooo, I figured I'd ask people's opinions on here as to what they think are appropriate equivalents and for weapons that don't have equivalents, what would be appropriate rules regarding their use. Without further rambling, here is the list in no particular order.
D&D 5E Christmas magic items for your holiday gaming - EN World
2016年12月23日 · Such as I took the weapon ideas of the Goblin as you suggested but changed the weapons to Christmas theme weapons like " Actions PeanutBrittle Sword: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 4 ft., on target Hit: 5 (1d6+2) slashing damage.
Weapons of Legacy: A Compendium of Magic Items - EN World
2015年10月27日 · Originally posted by Armisael: Weapons of Legacy: A Compendium of Magic Items Let's admit it: it's about time we got a decent magic item compendium going. Probably the biggest hurdle handbook writers face is dealing with the gigantic mass of items D&D has spawned and discerning the treasure...