The website was initially developed as a technical assistance center for the Y-ReCONNECTS Juvenile Justice Reentry Community of Practice funded by the New York State Council on Developmental Disabilities (NYS CDD), from April 2019 through March 2024.
ReCONNECTS project, working closely with youth and professional Reentry Ambassadors who serve on country level teams.
ReCONNECTS project, working closely with youth and professional Reentry Ambassadors who serve on country level teams.
One finding from the New York State Y-ReCONNECTS Juvenile Justice Reentry Community of Practice is that there is a genuine interest among local juvenile justice agencies to include indicators of positive youth development and community adjustment that go beyond state-mandated measures of recidivism, risk, and case disposition. ix
Linda Sprague Martinez, Katie Richards-Schuster, Samantha Teixeira, Astraea Augsberger, The Power of Prevention and Youth Voice: A Strategy for Social Work to Ensure Youths’ Healthy Development, Social Work, Volume 63, Issue
LeadAbility, LLC Magnifying Ability: Educate. Communicate. Advocate. https://www.leadabilityllc.com/ What to Expect When You Call 911 3.6.24 Þ Arrange a time to ...
Presenter Information Jeannette Bocanegra-Simon is Executive Director of Justice for Families (J4F), a national organization committed to ending the youth incarceration epidemic; she has more than twenty years of experience as an educational activist and
ABLEISM AND RACISM: AN INEXTRICABLE CONNECTION . Topic In this video, Talila “TL” Lewis, offers definitions of racism and ableism and explains the historic and present relationship between these and other oppressions, which continue to harm negatively racialized people with disabilities or those
Well-being of Marginalized Young Adults Presenter Information Lydia X. Z. Brown is an advocate, attorney, and strategist whose work focuses on interpersonal and state violence against disabled people living at the intersections of race, class, gender, sexuality, nation, and language.
is Co-PI for the Y-ReCONNECTS initiative and a research associate at the Yang-Tan Institute on Employment and Disability. Matt's research focuses on career pathways for youth with disabilities and barriers to employment, such as justice involvement. Matt teaches Cornell undergraduate courses in the disability